Subdivision of Agricultural land – Boer Soek ‘n Vrou – where agricultural land and true love meet

Did you know that in terms of the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act (70 of 1970), 2 or more people cannot jointly own land which is zoned as agricultural, whether in undivided shares or otherwise, without first getting the consent of the Minister of Agriculture. The only exception is if the 2 prospective owners are married in Community of Property – because then there is one estate, and in law, really only one owner.

What do you do when a unmarried couple enters into a deed of sale to buy such land and gets their bond approved, only to be told the bad news?

They get married in Community of Property!

True story. We received the Deed of Sale on Friday, and the buyers got married on Sunday afternoon. Problem solved!

Naturally we do not advocate this as a solution in all cases, but if you really want to own a farm, you do what you must do!

Kind regards,

Robert Krautkramer

Miltons Matsemela Inc.